You’ve got to listennnn
Everything I wish to say
There is more to me than what you see.
I am your dream in reality
You’ve got to listennnn..
That I have a mind of my own,
An intellect I carry since the day I was born,
So when you dictate what I should do...
You hurt me…you hurt me O Sure you do…
You’ve got to listenn.
That I have my own wishes and goal
I care for you but that’s not all
& when you act selfish & mean…
All you do to me is demean..
You’ve got to listennnn
Everything I wish to say
Else I will be gone forever one day..
U may want me then
But I may never come back
So You’ve got to listenn..
Coz I have a voice.
Listen to me Baby
Just Listennn….