Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Forgive & Forget

There are times in life when we are stuck between our rational beliefs and cynicism which is quite normal as a human. We are born to learn from our mistakes all of us will have to make mistakes to learn hard lessons in life. This may sound a bit strange but many of us want themselves to be perfect and flawless though I haven’t come across any person in my life who might never have committed any mistakes in life.

We have been blessed with a quality of forgetting things including our and others mistakes but does forgetting things actually help or do you completely forget the mistakes committed by you or to you. I feel though a short term loss of memory of mistakes might help for a shorter period of time however if you wish to lead a life of normalcy and happiness and freedom you need to learn the art of forgiveness.

Forgiving is the most difficult virtue and comes with a high deal of immensity in thoughts. It takes loads of courage to waive off emotions that have hurt you and forgive people and yourself of the guilt of hurting someone at some point in life. Things which were taught at very early stages of life take their own sweet time for a brief realization in real life. As a kid we were taught to say sorry for our mistakes but with time we forgot the importance of it.

Forgiveness is the only value which holds merit of releasing you from your most painful grief, most pricking thoughts and most devastating situations. Learn to forgive and you will easily forget and start afresh.

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