Monday, July 5, 2010

Proud to be an Emotional Fool

Many times I hear people calling me an emotional fool and I agree but is it wrong to be an emotional fool? Let’s find out. I am human and the only quality that sets me apart from a beast and most of the animals is my emotional intelligence which enables to me to reflect my feelings with exactly similar expressions. Now the point is many and most of us control ourselves while expressing and an emotional fool just fails to do that. To an extent it may be true that an emotional fool might easily be fooled around and can be taken advantage in every step of life by everybody.

But the fact is many a time emotional people don’t get fooled they just respect others emotion and allow the person to feel that they are been fooled. Emotional Fools always try seeking a positive reason in every negative incident in life. God has blessed them with beautiful heart which feels and does not hesitate in expressing it. It’s easy for them to forgive, it’s hard for them to forget, they will care for you even if you don’t, they will still speak with you after saying they don’t want to, they will still be helpful to people who at some point have hurt them.

They think a lot about petty things because they love things around them, love comes naturally to them; they hardly hate anyone or anything. It’s easy to say you are an emotional fool but I feel lucky to be one as I feel almost everything around me. I may not be best communicator but I definitely can feel the unsaid, can understand your smile, can read your eyes, can wipe your tears. You may not want to be around me when you are happy but you certainly won’t find a better company when you are sad.

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